
Package to provide a code based and typed way to create Shopware configurations besides XML files.

v0.1.1 2024-05-10 09:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-11 08:00:01 UTC


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Shopware provides an easy way to create a plugin configuration without any implementing any frontend code:

While the underlying system for the internal configuration generation is very flexible, the config.xml file is the only way to leverage this system. This package aims to provide another method: code-based configuration generation.

Is this a Shopware Plugin?

No. While this package is tied to Shopware, it won't react on any events on it's own. It is meant to be used by a Shopware plugin.

How can add this package in a Shopware plugin?

First, the package has to be installed via composer:

composer require it-bens/shopware-code-based-plugin-configuration

This can be done in the plugin's composer.json file. But remember to enable composer in the plugin class.

public function executeComposerCommands(): bool
    return true;

This package provides a Symfony compiler pass that will add all the services to the Shopware plugin service container. It can be added to the plugin's build method.

use ITB\ShopwareCodeBasedPluginConfiguration\DependencyInjection\ConfigurationCardConfigReaderPass;

public function build(ContainerBuilder $container): void
    // ...

    $container->addCompilerPass(new ConfigurationCardConfigReaderPass());

How can I use this package?

Coding the configuration into cards

This package provides classes to define configuration cards (as seen in the Shopware plugin administration).

A ConfigurationCard has a title in english, a title in german and a list of ConfigurationInputField objects. The supported ConfigurationInputField implementations are:

  • BoolField
  • IntegerField
  • SingleSelectField
  • TextField

Some of these implementations differ in their required information. But because they mostly require the same information, all require a GeneralFieldInputInformation object. Here is an example for a configuration card with all types of input fields:

use ITB\ShopwareCodeBasedPluginConfiguration\ConfigurationCard;
use ITB\ShopwareCodeBasedPluginConfiguration\ConfigurationInputField\BoolField;
use ITB\ShopwareCodeBasedPluginConfiguration\ConfigurationInputField\IntegerField;
use ITB\ShopwareCodeBasedPluginConfiguration\ConfigurationInputField\SingleSelectField;
use ITB\ShopwareCodeBasedPluginConfiguration\ConfigurationInputField\SingleSelectFieldOption;
use ITB\ShopwareCodeBasedPluginConfiguration\ConfigurationInputField\TextField;
use ITB\ShopwareCodeBasedPluginConfiguration\GeneralFieldInputInformation;

$enabledFieldInformation = new GeneralFieldInputInformation(
    name: 'enabled', 
    labelInEnglish: 'Enabled', 
    labelInGerman: 'Aktiviert', 
    helpTextInEnglish: 'Enable or disable the feature', 
    helpTextInGerman: 'Aktiviere oder deaktiviere das Feature'
$enabledField = new BoolField(new GeneralFieldInformation(generalInformation: $enabledFieldInformation, defaultValue: false);

$integerFieldInformation = new GeneralFieldInputInformation(
    name: 'position', 
    labelInEnglish: 'Position', 
    labelInGerman: 'Position', 
    helpTextInEnglish: 'The position in the list', 
    helpTextInGerman: 'Die Position in der Liste'
$integerField = new IntegerField(new GeneralFieldInformation(generalInformation: $integerFieldInformation, defaultValue: 0);

$selectFieldInformation = new GeneralFieldInputInformation(
    name: 'color', 
    labelInEnglish: 'Color', 
    labelInGerman: 'Farbe', 
    helpTextInEnglish: 'The color of the item', 
    helpTextInGerman: 'Die Farbe des Elements'
$selectField = new SingleSelectField(
    new GeneralFieldInformation(generalInformation: $selectFieldInformation, defaultValue: 'red'),
        new SingleSelectFieldOption(id: 'red', nameInEnglish: 'Red', nameInGerman: 'Rot'),
        new SingleSelectFieldOption(id: 'blue', nameInEnglish: 'Blue', nameInGerman: 'Blau'),
        new SingleSelectFieldOption(id: 'green', nameInEnglish: 'Green', nameInGerman: 'Grün'),

$textFieldInformation = new GeneralFieldInputInformation(
    name: 'description', 
    labelInEnglish: 'Description', 
    labelInGerman: 'Beschreibung', 
    helpTextInEnglish: 'A description of the item', 
    helpTextInGerman: 'Eine Beschreibung des Elements'
$textField = new TextField(new GeneralFieldInformation(generalInformation: $textFieldInformation, defaultValue: '');

$configurationCard = new ConfigurationCard(
    titleInEnglish: 'General Settings',
    titleInGerman: 'Allgemeine Einstellungen',
    inputFields: [$enabledField, $integerField, $selectField, $textField]

Injecting the cards into the configuration

The package uses services that implement the ConfigurationCardProvider interface. You can create as many implementations in service instances as you like. Because Shopware uses the same loading mechanism for all plugins, the scope of the ConfigurationCardProvider has to be declared. This is done in the getBundleClasses method of the plugin class.

 * @return class-string<Bundle>[]
public function getBundleClasses(): array {
    return [

The getPriority method is used to sort the providers if more than one provider is registered for the same plugin.

public function getPriority(): int {
    return 100;

And finally the getConfigurationCards method is used to return the configuration cards.

 * @return ConfigurationCard[]
public function getConfigurationCards(): array {
    return $this->configurationCards;

How does the package work?

The package decorates the Shopware\Core\System\SystemConfig\Util\ConfigReader service from Shopware. This service is used to read the config.xml file of a plugin. It decodes the XML file into an array. This package keeps the XML-based configuration of plugin and extends it with the data from matching configuration card providers.

The decoration is done via compiler pass in three steps:

  1. all services that implement the ConfigurationCardProvider interface are collected and tagged.
  2. a ConfigurationCardProviderProvider definition is created that receives all services from (1).
  3. the ConfigurationCardConfigReader definition is created with decoration of the Shopware\Core\System\SystemConfig\Util\ConfigReader service and the ConfigurationCardProviderProvider is injected into the ConfigurationCardConfigReader.
  4. the ConfigurationCardConfigReader is set as an alias for the Shopware\Core\System\SystemConfig\Util\ConfigReader service to replace it.


I am really happy that the software developer community loves Open Source, like I do! ♥

That's why I appreciate every issue that is opened (preferably constructive) and every pull request that provides other or even better code to this package.

You are all breathtaking!